About Us
Two Hoot Concentrate gear was born from a need. A need for something that we could not find. The evolution of the cannabis culture has given birth to exploration and development of cannabis concentrates. Although concentrates are by no means a new thing, a wonderful collision has occurred between technology and hashish evolution. The result of this cosmic conundrum is the Dab Pen!
We at Two Hoot have followed the dab pen from its infancy to its present day splendour. We can't say we have tried them all but we can say we have killed many in our attempt. The research and development has lead us to this: The Two Hoot Family. Five of the best pens on the market today, all made specifically for vaporizing wax and shatter type concentrates, except for one herbal unit. We test each pen for durability, functionality (Ease of use), and of course straight up good looks. Each individual pen has its own place and it's own personality which will appeal to different people in different ways, however all are guaranteed to help you dab in style.
Put together in kits to service your dabbing needs in style Two Hoot vapor pens make concentrating a respectable activity and provide you with the optimum method for consuming your medical needs. All of our atomizers come with a kit that includes a top of the line Egotwist variable voltage battery , the battery is the life source of our kits and as such we have tried to supply the very best. Powered by 650 mah these batteries offer variable voltage from 3.2 volts to 4.8 volts ,this is a key feature of the Two Hoot pens because the temperature needs to be precise for the various concentrates available. Also included in the kit is a USB charger for the battery, A small rubber jar for your concentrate and a silicone pen stand along with a small dab tool and cleaning brush.
Here at Two Hoot we love our customers as much as our hoots!